
Tuesday 14 December 2010

magazine cover.

As I am currently taking an AS Level in Photography, it gives me the chance to show off my interest in fashion photography. There was one particular task where I was taking portraiture images of a model and styling her in different ways to create a fashion magazine cover as a final result. As faux fur is a big fashion statement here in the winter of 2010, I thought it would be appropriate to use this form of fashion. I produced the image on Photoshop, where I am confident with my skills. Here is the magazine cover I made, I hope you like it. I was particularly proud of it. I am not aware of my grade for it at the moment but I intend on posting it when I am told. In terms of presentation and colour, I used colours from the model's eyes and lips (blue and pink). All the styling, hair, make-up, photography and Photoshop work was all produced by me! I decided to call the magazine 'Beau' because it means Beautiful in French and I think it is a very attractive use of lexis for the target audience.

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