
Monday 17 January 2011

school fashion show.

The textiles department at my school were arranging a fashion show, so as soon as I heard, as immediately rushed to see the teacher in order to ask her if I could help out. As the show's purpose was to present the recent textiles garments, there wasn't much styling to be done. So my job was to make sure that all of the models looked okay before they entered the catwalk and I also made sure that everybody was going on at the same time, in the right place. I really enjoyed this experience! I would love another opportunity working back stage at fashion shows, and although it was just a small event, I learnt alot about the organisation of fashion shows and the activities that take place in preparation. Here are a few photos of some of the models.

Here are two of the models, linked with the presenter.

This is me and my friend, who was working on the music.

Thursday 16 December 2010

window dressing.

As I work in fashion retail for Wallis, I volunteered to assist with the window dressing where I was able to have my input on the styling and learnt alot about the whole window dressing process. Here are a couple of images to show my work. A/W 2010

Wednesday 15 December 2010

fashion images.

For a Photography task, I took a fashion based shoot. I styled the images myself, aswell as photographing them. I hope you like them!

They generally have an urban feel to them, so in terms of costume, I chose dark clothing like blacks and golds with texture such as studs and fur. My inspiration was a fashion photographer named Trevor Brady.

Tuesday 14 December 2010

magazine cover.

As I am currently taking an AS Level in Photography, it gives me the chance to show off my interest in fashion photography. There was one particular task where I was taking portraiture images of a model and styling her in different ways to create a fashion magazine cover as a final result. As faux fur is a big fashion statement here in the winter of 2010, I thought it would be appropriate to use this form of fashion. I produced the image on Photoshop, where I am confident with my skills. Here is the magazine cover I made, I hope you like it. I was particularly proud of it. I am not aware of my grade for it at the moment but I intend on posting it when I am told. In terms of presentation and colour, I used colours from the model's eyes and lips (blue and pink). All the styling, hair, make-up, photography and Photoshop work was all produced by me! I decided to call the magazine 'Beau' because it means Beautiful in French and I think it is a very attractive use of lexis for the target audience.

clothes show live 2010.

My mum, my friend and I attended the Clothes Show Live last week! It was absoloutely amazing, we all really enjoyed it! The show, the shopping, the stalls was all brill! Gok Wan was even presenting it! I also got some advise from professionals on how to get myself into the fashion industry and what courses to take at University. I have taken everything on board and have already begun considering everything. This blog is just one bit of advise that I was given. So here are a couple of pictures from the event.

my new fashion blog.

Hello all! I have created this blog purely for fashion so employers can see my work and it gives me a chance to express my feelings and attitudes towards fashion. Hope all you readers enjoy! x